Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Where will I be in July 08?

I'm applying to Health Administration Fellowships this month. They are 1 to 2 yr positions. You usually report to a senior level executive and get to rotate to different areas of a health system or hospital. They are highly competitive. Usually 50-100 or more applicants for 1 job per hospital. I don't have a good feel for how competitive I am compared to other applicants. Originally I was thinking I'd apply to 10 places but got scared by classmates to apply to more. They have phone interviews in Nov, then on-site in Nov/Dec, so I'll keep the blog updated on my progress. Hopefully there is some progress. Here's the final list in no particular order.
If none of these work out, the answer to "where will I be in July 08" is TBD.
Current List:
Trinity Health: MI/OH
UNC Hospitals: Chapel Hill, NC
The Children's Hospital: Denver, CO
Emory Healthcare: Atlanta, GA
Pitt County Memorial Hospital: Greenville, NC
Pennsylvania Hospital: Philadelphia, PA