Thursday, April 17, 2008

Colorado GT Alumni Spring Meeting

Tonight I attended the Colorado GT Club spring meeting. The speaker was Robert Cohen who founded the Metro Denver Sports Commission. The commission bids on different sports events to be held in Denver. The committee is also aiming to get the 2018 winter games. He's a clever guy and got the SportAccord 2009 conference to be held in Denver; it's an international sports convention that members of the International Olympic Committee attend. There is a rule when bidding on the Olympics you cannot have members of the committee visit the city up to a certain time. So getting the conference in Denver was a smart way to get the IOC members to see Denver. Now other Olympic bid cities are trying to get the next conference in their cities. They always have very interesting speakers at the GT alum events. Plus, since I was the youngest alum there - I won a door prize.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The View is Changing

The pretty view I have enjoyed from my porch for the past couple of years is nearly gone. They have been building a new apartment complex for the past year. They poured the concrete for the final building today. Too bad they didn't use the plot of land for a park instead.