Wednesday, November 08, 2006
End Scene
Kerri and I performed our second play tonight for our Health Systems class.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, see the blog entry from September 10th. We got an A on the first one, not really sure why, so I'm hoping we did as well on this one. The prof did mouth "good" to me after it was over. I hope that's the word for 'A'. The class got a laugh when Kerry appeared as my "fairy godmother" to help me figure out a solution to our healthcare problem. I think it was a big shock to the class since we were so serious and conservative in our first play. She had a dark queen dress on and a wand with a bell. It was humorous. I have to say I actually did learn something by doing the plays, but I could have just as easily learned it by doing the research and writing a paper. The performances of the plays just took up 2 class periods. I'm glad they're over, and I will be happy to put my poor acting days behind me.