I took a little break from work today went up to the 8th floor and toured the
room President Eisenhower made a temporary Oval Office in 1955. He was vacationing at his in-laws when he had a heart attack. When I'm not working in a clinic, my office is in an administrative building that used to be an
Army Hospital. Eisenhower spent about 2 months in the hospital recovering. On the tour there are copies of the notes the Secret Service kept "President Eisenhower came into the sitting area to look at the goldfish."

I'm not quite sure why they had to keep that detailed notes of the President's where-abouts. The other fact I found amusing was that his wife had them bring her a pink toilet seat from Washington because there weren't any in Colorado.
Note: The B&W photo is from the 1950's and the color is the restored room.
Another interesting fact: Presidential candidate John Kerry was born in the hospital in 1943 while his father was being treated for tuberculosis.