I headed back to Atlanta for the holidays. We went to the
Georgia Aquarium on Christmas Day. One of the founders of Home Depot donated $200 million to build it. They did a good job - it definitely has a Disney feel to it. Our favorite were the sea otters. Here's a pic of the fam minus Dad (taking the picture) and plus Noah, who came with Suzanne from NY.
I flew back to Denver for New Year's. I was hoping to spend it in a cabin in Breckenridge; unfortunately I got a stomach virus on Friday night and was just lying around on my couch on New Years.
I'm blaming the 9-yr old I was sitting next to on the plane back to Denver. I did make it up to Breckenridge on Sunday. Here's a pic of a dog I saw in Breckenridge. I thought he looked a little like Winnie - nice coat.