I got up early this morning and went to the 8:30 service at
North Point. There are no churches that compare in Denver; I really miss good singers and the environment. It was an excellent sermon as usual. I was happy Brie was able to meet me and that we could squeeze in a quick breakfast before I headed to Howie's wedding (and that I could meet her adorable new dog).
I had never been to a jewish wedding before. I liked the traditions; it
was interesting to see. They did everything - broke the bottle, danced around with the bride and groom on chairs. They also did a special dance around the parents since it was their last child to get married in both families. It was great catching up with all my friends from highschool. It was strange to see Howie getting married. It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since he used to eat my goldfish crackers in our AP English class. The remaining bachelors and bachelorette from our "Merry Cohorts" group (Billy, myself and Steve) made a bet as an encouragement to get a move on with this whole marriage thing. Kelly doesn't get included since she's in Japan and currently has a boyfriend (unfair advantage, she probably is next). The bet is whoever is next to get married gets $20 from each of the remaining two. A Brittany Spears 48-hr wedding in Vegas doesn't count. A few minutes after we shook on the pack Steve was off flirting with girls at another table. On my way out I commented to him how he didn't waste any time. He said he takes bets seriously.
I finished the day with a trip to the vet to see poor Winnie (one of my parent's dogs). He had been sick all week and couldn't keep anything down. The vet finally figured out he had swallowed something. They performed surgery. We had to drop him off at an overnight emergency clinic so they could administer pain medication. He wimpered the entire way over - it was so sad. Hopefully he'll be almost back to his old self in a few days. I was sorry I couldn't run with him down to the end of the block as I know he loves it.