Saturday, March 19, 2011

Joy's Bday

For Joy's birthday, went out to Tin Lizzy's and Ri Ra's. Joy's friend is a drummer in Sam Thacker's Band, and they were playing at Ri Ra's. They did a great mix of a couple of opening bars from everything from Nirvana to Fresh Prince to Dave Matthews. This video is from 2009.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Snow-shoeing in Frisco with Aunt Joan, Aunt Ellen and Tigger. Made the mandatory trip to the Butterhorn Bakery and had an awesome dinner at a new place, 5th Avenue Grille.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Copper Mountain

Couldn't have asked for better conditions - not a cloud in the ski. Great day of snowboarding.

Sunday, March 06, 2011


Spent the weekend visiting Dean and the fam. Dean had a friend's 1st birthday to attend at Gymboree. Tried to get a picture of Dean furrowing his brow exactly as Eileen does, but I couldn't catch it. Instead I got a video of his random laughs and 'talking' to himself.

Dean Laugh 2